Sunday, October 31, 2010

How to check if BIOS update is needed

We are always reminded to keep our softwares ranging from antivirus system to even games to be updated. The reasons can be either to make sure any security bug that might pose harm to the entire system is fixed up or it could be merely because the developers has new features or improvements on the softwares. The other essential part of our computer system that might be left out is BIOS. It probably does not need a regular update as much as other softwares but keeping it up to date will make sure your computer is capable of running the latest form of hardwares that might not be supported by current version of BIOS.
Do I need a BIOS upgrade?
According to Phoenix Technologies,
In most cases the only reason to get a BIOS upgrade is to add support for a new form of hardware you are adding to your system (such as a new CPU, or larger hard disk) that is not supported by your current BIOS. Most operating systems do not use the BIOS once the operating system is up and running, so you should not upgrade the BIOS in an attempt to fix a software bug unless the system/motherboard manufacturer has identified the BIOS as the cause of the problem.
BIOS Agent is a small useful software that is useful in detecting your BIOS version. All you need to do is just click on the "Get BIOS Info" on the bottom left and shortly after that, all information related to your BIOS will be fetched onto the screen.
With all information at hand you can simply cross check the BIOS version displayed in BIOS checker with the vendor's website.
If your BIOS needs to be upgraded, the installation is pretty straightforward like an ordinary software. It is advisable, however, to use an uninterrupted power supply (UPS) during the upgrade as a power failure might cause data corruption to the BIOS. Of course you don't want this happen because you will not be able to turn your motherboard on.

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